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Save the Children Evergreen

Monday, July 19, 2010

A lesson in playing with fire

Today my boys and their dad were cleaning up their room. My husband found burnt tissue stuffed in the corner. He asked our son Christopher, which is 7, if he was playing with a lighter. We always stress the importance of admitting when he's done something wrong, and telling the truth. We also  let him know that punishment is ten times worse for lying. Well, he told the truth and said yes he was playing with fire. My husband and I told him how he could have been hurt, set the house on fire, been killed, and we went on and on. We sent him to his room to think about it, but felt like the message just went in one ear and out the other. So, we decided to search youtube for a video that shows the repercussions of kids playing with fire, and fire safety. After searching through songs called "Don't play with fire" and "Jenna likes to play with fire xxx", we found this heart-wrenching video of two brothers who put a stuffed animal in an oven, and started a fire. My heart went out to the family and that adorable and precious little boy, who actually reminded us of our littlest boy Jay. My family and I watched the video together and talked about the dangers of playing with fire, and the importance of fire safety. Thank you God for showing me this video!


Friday, July 16, 2010

Why not make a pizza?

Today my boys and I made a couple of pizzas. They...well, we had a great time! It was simple and took about only thirty minutes to prepare and bake. I bought a pack of two pizza crusts that came with two packs of pizza sauce. How easy is that?! Some cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms (Jay wanted to experiment),and  olives.  I am not the biggest fan of cleaning, so I used paper plates to lay the toppings on. Cleanup took like 2 minutes when we were done.  The boys enjoyed being creative and cooking, and I enjoyed it just as much. Believe it or not, it was actually pretty tasty!


Pizza crust

Pizza sauce
Shredded cheese

Any toppings of your choice

Lay crust on pizza pan, then top with pizza sauce. Top with shredded cheese, then the toppings. Follow directions on pizza crust package to back. Enjoy time with your children! Okay, so they might have got on my nerves for a few minutes there arguing about who got more cheese...but I love my boys!